17th September 2024

Search Clay Cross Parish Council

Serving the people of Clay Cross

Cllr Kathy Rouse

Cllr Kathy Rouse

Clay Cross Parish Council

Councillor Kathy Rouse has been a Parish Councillor since 2015 and is a very active member of the local community, supporting and shaping Clay Cross and the wider area in a variety of roles.

In addition to being a Parish Councillor, Kathy is North East Derbyshire District Councillor for Clay Cross North Ward. For the District Council, she is Cabinet member, portfolio holder for Health & Leisure, and sits on the Planning Committee and the Standards Committee.

Kathy is also a Director at the Derbyshire Law Centre, a long-standing Governor at Tupton Hall School, and was instrumental in setting up the CX21 Youth Group at Clay Cross Social Centre.

Kathy sits on the Clay Cross Town Deal Board, voicing the views of local residents in the redevelopment of the town centre.

c/o North East Derbyshire District Council
District Council Offices
2013 Mill Lane
S42 6NG

The register of interests form of Cllr Rouse can be found on the North East Derbyshire District Council website.

Last updated: Thu, 13 Jun 2024 14:00