17th September 2024

Search Clay Cross Parish Council

Serving the people of Clay Cross

Who we are & what we do

Clay Cross Parish Council is made up of eleven local people elected by the democratic electoral process and the Clerk of the Council.

Clay Cross Parish Council came into existence on the 1 April 1974 as a result of the Local Government Act 1972 and its reorganisation of Local Government. Under the act the Clay Cross Urban District Council was abolished and its powers and functions transferred to the newly created North East Derbyshire District Council and Clay Cross Parish Council.

The Parish Council Office is located at:

Clay Cross Social Centre
Market Street
Clay Cross
S45 9JE

Council Meetings - see the diary of meetings for more information.

For further information relating to the services offered by the Parish Council please contact the Office who will be happy to give advice and assistance.

Parish Council Elections

Parish Council Elections take place every 4 years.

The last elections to Clay Cross Parish Council took place in May 2023, along with a bi-election in September 2023.

Due to the death of Gerry Morley in July 2024, a vacancy has arisen in the Office of Councillor for the Parish of Clay Cross North. More details can be found on the Notice of Vacancy under the Documents section.

Parish Councillors

Our Councillors are elected or co-opted, if you would like to become a Councillor or find out more about what they do then please contact the Parish Council Office.

Parish Councillors Code of Conduct

Clay Cross Parish Council is obliged to adopt a Code of Conduct and has adopted that of North East Derbyshire District Council.

Compliments and Complaints

We welcome your feedback.

If you have a positive experience you wish to share or you have constructive feedback for us please use the contact form.

Should you feel dissatisfied with the service we provide, please see our complaints procedure.

Committees and Working Groups

Clay Cross Parish Council has a:

Finance Sub-Committee

Cllr Ms K Rouse, Cllr E Mansbridge, Cllr D Skinner and Cllr Ms F Petersen.

which meets at regular intervals during the fiscal year.

Members of the Parish Council have other duties and sit on various committees and outside bodies namely Neighbourhood Partnerships, Tenants & Residents Associations, Clay Cross Angling Association, Clay Cross Town Centre Group, Derbyshire Law Centre, Sharley Park Community Primary School and Holmgate Primary School Governing Bodies, Clay Cross Gala Group, Darby & Joan Clubs plus local Trusts set up to help people in need and other committees as and when required.

Clay Cross Parish Council work closely with North East Derbyshire District Council by using their expertise and advice where required.

Our Staff

In addition to the Clerk of the Council, Clay Cross Parish Council employ Caretakers and Cleaners for Clay Cross Social Centre, and Administrative staff for financial matters and to maintain the website.

Dawn Kershaw

Parish Clerk

Clay Cross Parish Council

Clay Cross Social Centre
Market Street
Clay Cross
S45 9JE
01246 862812

Last updated: Wed, 28 Aug 2024 15:08